Are you looking for a unique Group volunteer experience?

We receive groups all year, but most serve at Sylhet Farm from March through October. Typically, groups range from 4 to 12 people, but we receive larger teams. We host work teams that come for a half day, and we also host teams from two days to a week or more. We are flexible if you give us time to plan. When groups come, we like to have a project. We have many routine tasks, but projects give most people a sense of accomplishment as they see something started and finished. We encourage groups to help contribute towards project costs whenever possible. It is fun to have people come back and see the things they help build used by people in the community.

How does it work?

If you fill out the form below, we will send you a schedule link with a time to talk. We want to know about the group you want to bring and hear your goals. Once we decide it is a good fit, we will make recommendations for a project, and any budgets, food, housing, etc., that are needed. If possible, we would like to meet one or two group leaders before coming for the first time. In some situations, we understand that is not practical. If you are interested in fundraising for a project and need a way to accept donations, we can provide you with a fundraising link through our donation platform.