Spring is here

Plants are growing in the greenhouse, people are coming outside, and volunteer season at Sylhet Farm has started. We always have a ton to do for those willing to brave a mix of temperatures in early spring. Please send me an email, and I can send you some times we plan to be out there.

We have a few quick updates.

Sisterhood Fitness is temporarily closing to set up a new space a block down the street from Joy Thrift. The projected timeline is early summer, but it will be worth the wait once complete. The goal is to offer more services that women in Hamtramck keep requesting and need, like childcare. Katie and the team will let everyone know as it gets closer.

We have agreed to partner with a professional pastry chef named Katherine Slevin, the founder of C-Love Baking Academy. CLBA offers women the skills needed to thrive in a professional pastry kitchen, empowering their confidence through new opportunities in a supportive community. CLBA is now a program of One New Humanity.

March 7 is opening day for our community garden. Please sign up online at the link below for a garden plot if you live close to Hamtramck and want to come regularly.


March 31, 2022


The Benefits of Volunteering


Bangladesh New Year